On the beginning of the official third day of the 79th General Convention, I am full of hope, blessings, questions, and gratitude. From the opening worship and the powerful sermon from our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calling us to dwell in Jesus, because when you do, then Jesus will dwell in us, to the richly diverse music and conversation over what it means to be the church in the world, I am so aware of Jesus calling us to boldly and faithfully follow Him. We have dug deep into racial reconciliation and socially responsible investing as stewards of creation and the resources given to us by God. We have had passionate conversations about the language we use when talking about God and we have repented as a church for the hurtful ways we treat one another, especially those most vulnerable.
When I take in the breadth and depth of the Episcopal Church, I am reminded how colorful God’s creation is and how we are called to learn how to love one another and live together on this earth. I continue to be so thankful that we are part of something bigger than our individual churches or dioceses. Following Jesus together is challenging work, but work for which I am grateful because I believe when we set about the work of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation together, we get a closer glimpse of the kingdom of God here on earth.
Thank you for your prayers!
On the beginning of the official third day of the 79th General Convention, I am full of hope, blessings, questions, and gratitude. From the opening worship and the powerful sermon from our Presiding Bishop Michael Curry calling us to dwell in Jesus, because when you do, then Jesus will dwell in us, to the richly diverse music and conversation over what it means to be the church in the world, I am so aware of Jesus calling us to boldly and faithfully follow Him. We have dug deep into racial reconciliation and socially responsible investing as stewards of creation and the resources given to us by God. We have had passionate conversations about the language we use when talking about God and we have repented as a church for the hurtful ways we treat one another, especially those most vulnerable.
When I take in the breadth and depth of the Episcopal Church, I am reminded how colorful God’s creation is and how we are called to learn how to love one another and live together on this earth. I continue to be so thankful that we are part of something bigger than our individual churches or dioceses. Following Jesus together is challenging work, but work for which I am grateful because I believe when we set about the work of love, forgiveness, and reconciliation together, we get a closer glimpse of the kingdom of God here on earth.
Thank you for your prayers!
St. David's Episcopal Church
1300 Wiltshire Avenue San Antonio, TX 78209 210-824-2481 [email protected] Regular Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday Worship 8:00am: Rite I in the Sanctuary 9:15am: Faith Formation for all ages 10:30am: Rite II in the Sanctuary Children's Chapel offered at 10:30am Nursery care available for ages 0-3, 9:00-11:45am 10:30am service live-streamed on our Facebook Page ![]() |