Church Service Opportunities
ACOLYTES 4th-12th graders who rotate Sundays to assist the priest with various duties during worship (crucifer, torch bearer, etc.).
ALTAR GUILD This group cares for the altar, vestments, vessels and altar linens of the parish. Altar Guild members prepare the sanctuary for services, and clean up afterwards. BREAKFAST TEAMS Help cook breakfast and get coffee brewing on Sunday mornings! Setup begins around 8:00 to be ready for breakfast hour and Faith Formation at 9:15, and a quick cleanup is needed after Formation or the 10:30 service. CHOIR Glorify God with music! Choirs are back, and there are opportunities for all ages - children, youth & adults - to sing! FLOWER GUILD This group is responsible for purchasing and arranging flowers for worship services. Flowers are then typically delivered to those unable to attend worship. LAY READERS Readers rotate Sundays and read scripture during worship services. USHERS Ushers also rotate Sundays and open doors, greet parishioners and visitors, hand out bulletins, help with seating, pass offering plates, direct flow of Holy Communion, etc. VESTRY The vestry is the church’s “Board of Directors” and includes 12 parishioners, each serving a staggered 3-year term. Four new members are elected each January. |
St. David's Episcopal Church
1300 Wiltshire Avenue San Antonio, TX 78209 210-824-2481 [email protected] Regular Office Hours Monday-Friday 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Sunday Worship 8:00am: Rite I in the Sanctuary 9:15am: Faith Formation for all ages 10:30am: Rite II in the Sanctuary Children's Chapel offered at 10:30am Nursery care available for ages 0-3, 9:00-11:45am 10:30am service live-streamed on our Facebook Page |